Fan Engagement Hub

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Scoring System (algorithm)

The scoring system we use to create the final table is available below.

All of the data we collect for the Fan Engagement Index are publicly available, via club, league and other websites and sources. It involves no surveying of fans or others. We do not contact clubs directly during the process, to as closely as possible mirror the journey of a fan attempting to find out the information themselves, and to ensure fairness to all clubs.

However, we do send a copy of what has been collected for each club, and invite them to provide comment, further information, clarification or make any changes on what we’ve collected.

Please note: Scoring is from a potential total score of 240 points, with 80 points available per-section.

Where scores are equal, the highest Dialogue score determines the club’s final position in the table

If you have any queries, please get in touch via the contact page


Element of Fan Engagement Criteria Max Points Notes Clarifications for 2021/2022?
Structured Dialogue with supporters’ trust/independent supporters group Where the representatives or directors of fans from an independent group. e.g. supporters’ trust, meets with the senior manangement/owners of the club regularly. 30 According to the definitions of the DCMS Expert Working Group on Supporter Ownership and Engagement (2017). Definition of ‘independent group’ is provided by Think Fan Engagement in glossary of terms
Structured Dialogue with wider group of representatives Where representatives of fans of more than one group meet with the club on a regular basis 15 According to the definitions of the DCMS Expert Working Group on Supporter Ownership and Engagement (2017). Definition of ‘independent group’ is provided by Think Fan Engagement in glossary of terms
Fans Forums Where a wide group of fans as individuals (including season ticket holders, members or unaffliated fans) meet with the club on a regular basis. If the meetings are only once a season, score is 5 points 10 According to the definitions of the DCMS Expert Working Group on Supporter Ownership and Engagement (2017). Definition of ‘independent group’ is provided by Think Fan Engagement in glossary of terms
Social Media (Twitter Help Channel) Club provides a standalone ‘Help’ channel, or SLO (Supporter Liaison Officer) Twitter channel, which is clearly regularly used. If it isn’t regularly used for Dialogue, score is 5 points 20 Help’ Channels include those run by ‘supporter services’ departments/teams. SLO channels have to be run by the SLO. SLO and Help Twitter channels now receive full points. More definition of Help and SLO channels provided
Other Engagement/Dialogue Additional points available for a club providing a distinctive or alternative structures or forums for fans to engage with the club. Includes regular, ongoing programmes, or be attached to a specific or discreet project (e.g.: ground redevelopment or communications strategic work) 5 Examples are clubs responding to queries via main club Twitter channel (or senior officials, e.g. CEO/Chair/owners doing so), or a series of focus groups, meetings or other regular forms of engagement carried out by the club.
Total points available 80    




Element of Fan Engagement Criteria Max Points Notes Clarifications for 2021/2022?
Supporter representatives on the board of the club An independent group of fans (e.g. supporters’ trust) has the majority of the directors (25 points); 2. Where an independent group of fans (e.g. supporters’ trust) has at least one full director (and up to an overall minority of directors) representing fans, or an independent director representing fans is elected, (15 points); 3. Where an independent group of fans (e.g. supporters’ trust) has a representative on the board (not a full director), e.g. supporters’ trust, score is (10 points) 25 Definition of ‘independent group’ is provided by Think Fan Engagement in glossary of terms Scope of directors representing fans widened to include those elected by fans of the club in a ballot, e.g. Northampton Town.
Customer/Supporter Charter The customer (or supporter) charter has clear information about consultation and communication, and SLO and/or supporter services (or similar), score is (20 points); Where the charter is missing some information about consultation and communication, SLO and/or supporter services (or similar) or is difficult to find, score is (10 points); Where the charter is missing, or is easy to find but has no information about consultation and communication, and SLO and/or supporter services (or similar), score is (0 points). 20 Customer Charters are mandated by both Premier League and EFL
SLO is clearly a stand alone role SLO (Supporter Liaison Officer) is clearly a stand alone role, with no other different responsibilities attached (e.g. ticketing, marketing, but excluding supporter services roles), (15 points); 2. Unclear whether SLO is a stand alone role as above, score is 5 points (points); 3. Clear that SLO is not a stand alone role as has other, differenty and conflicting roles attached, (0 points). 15 All according to the best practice issued by UEFA, and overseen/written by Football Supporters Europe/SD Europe
MOU or or other legal agreement with supporters’ trust or other independent group governing relationship Club is owned by its supporters via an independent, democratic group, e.g. a supporters’ trust or is itself a similar model (e.g. Company Limited by Guarantee with democratic elections) (20 points); an independent, democratic group, e.g. a supporters’ trust has supporter-directors or a supporter representative with an MOU underpinning the relationship with their club (15 points); Where a such a group has an MOU or other legal agreement underpinning the relationship with their club (10 points); No MOU or legal agreement (0 points) 20 MOUs are promoted by the Football Supporters Association, and adopted by supporters’ trusts Definition clarified to include CLG football clubs or similar models of democratic ownership
Total points available 80    



Element of Fan Engagement Criteria Max Points Notes Clarifications for 2021/2022?
Structured dialogue meetings with supporters’ trust/independent group reporting Full report, minutes, video or audio of meeting (15); minimal report, e.g. short news item (10); Irregular reporting (posting fewer reports than meetings) (5); No reporting (0) 15 AGM reports for fan owned clubs are scored full marks. Reports have to be regular and published for full marks. Can be via OS or Trust/Group website. N/A
Structured dialogue with wider group of representatives reporting Full report, minutes, video or audio of meeting (15); minimal report, e.g. short news item (10); Irregular reporting (posting fewer reports than meetings) (5); No reporting (0) 15 (as above) N/A
Fans Forum reporting Full report, minutes, video or audio of meeting (15); minimal report, e.g. short news item (10); Irregular reporting (posting fewer reports than meetings) (5); No reporting (0) 15 (as above) N/A
Club board meeting reports/minutes Full report, minutes, video or audio of meeting (15); minimal report, e.g. short news item (10); Irregular reporting (posting fewer reports than meetings) (5); No reporting (0) 15 Club reports in full or part from its board meetings, or where a supporters’ trust that owns its club, reports are issued in full or part via its own board meetings N/A
Structured dialogue meetings with supporters’ trust/independent group agenda Agenda published in advance (5); No agenda published (0) 5 AGM agendas for fan owned clubs are scored full marks. Reports have to be regular and published for full marks. Can be via OS or Trust/Group website. Where minutes published irregularly, clubs receive 5 points N/A
Structured dialogue with wider group of representatives agenda Agenda published in advance (5); No agenda published (0) 5 (as above) N/A
Fans Forum agenda Agenda published in advance (5); No agenda published (0) N/A (as above) N/A
Club board meeting agendas Agenda published in advance (5); No agenda published (0) 5 Club issues agendas for its board meetings or announces them in advance; or where a supporters’ trust that owns its club reports the agenda or notice of club board meetings N/A
Total points available 80