How the scoring for the Fan Engagement Index works

The Fan Engagement Index awards up to 240 points to clubs overall based on the quality of their Fan Engagement. It comprises three categories, each offering up to 80 points. Final figures correct as of the 31st of May of the end of the season concerned.

All of the data we collect for the Fan Engagement Index are publicly available, via club, league and other websites and sources. It involves no surveying of fans or others. We do not contact clubs directly during the process, to as closely as possible mirror the journey of a fan attempting to find out the information themselves, and to ensure fairness to all clubs.

However, we do send a copy of what has been collected for each club, and invite them to provide comment, further information, clarification or make any changes on what we’ve collected.

Click below for a full explanation and points allocated for each section & element of Fan Engagement.

You can read more about the Index, including previous year’s tables, ideas for Fan Engagement from clubs, and other information, via the Fan Engagement Hub (no registration needed).